In case of an investigation by any federal entity or similar, I do not have any involvement with this group or with the people in it. I do not know how I am here; probably added by a third party. I do not support any actions by members of this group.

Do Heaven got a penthouse that I could rent out?

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Noiseless - Addiction (addicti.mod)

welcome to my awesome website. the only good website on neocities.

  • In here you can mostly find

    a selection of all the things that I make. Mostly my music & art.
  • ain't that

  • Click on any button above

    to browse around.
This site is best viewed on:
Windows 95 (or above), Mobile via Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), your laptop (preferably Toshiba), Internet Explorer 4+, Netscape Navigator, NCSA Mosiac, PDA/PalmOS, ibm computer from 1984, Homebrew Browser for Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 2 / X-Link Kai, X-BAND (Super Nintendo, Sega MegaDrive), Commodore 64, Amiga, Atari 5200, Satellaview BS-X, Sony Ericsson w200a/w300a, Game Maker 8.1 Embedded Web Browser, Legacy Brick Hill client, Player2, AdLib Tracker II, FL Studio embedded web browser, FastTracker II, MS DOS 9, 2007 ROBLOX Client without any security patches installed, ibisPaint X Font Browser, RCA radio, XBOX 360, Famicom Disk System

pretend this autoplays. i do not have money to buy neocities premium or whatever they call it to add a singular mp3.

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