albums | bricklander's website


This sub-page has download links to all the albums I have currently worked on and uploaded.

Clicking on the album cover sends you to the download page.

This page is updated every time a new album comes out... Which is rarely.
Featured Items
Nintendo Power Menu Program
Released: Nov 4th, 2022
Creator: bricklander
BPM: 97
Length: 51m 53s
R$: 31
this quote enquote event was trash in execution idea was good though
Released: Nov 10, 2022
Creator: dekyawave
Length: 15m 05s
R$: 9
Nameless Album
Released: July 04, 2023
Creator: dekyawave
Length 20m 23s (Nameless Album) / 06m 28s (Nameless Fusion)
Tx: 28
hitting the griddy for the homebrew browser
Released: Nov 4th, 2023 (Beta Mix)
Creator: dekyawave
Length 1h 07m
R$: 38
hitting the griddy for the homebrew browser
Released: Nov 4th, 2023 (Beta Variant)
Creator: dekyawave
Length 1h 07m
R$: 38
FlixMix (PC-98) OST Completion
Released: May 12, 2024
Creator: dekyawave
Length 53m 26s
FM: 98
Notice - You can use these if you want. Just

credit me by linking this site or my youtube channel.